Monday, July 8, 2013

Austenland (2013) - coming soon!

Jane Austen + Rom com + British actor candy = Oooooh mama.

Austenland is about a girl who is so obsessed with the world created by Jane Austen that she books herself on an immersive Regency holiday at a beautiful English manor to meet the Darcy of her dreams.

This showed at Sundance at the beginning of the year and was directed by the co-writer of Napoleon Dynamite (so you know it's going to have some mad quirk.)

Here are the release dates (all 2013):
Jan 18 - Sundance (premiere)
Jun 29 - Nantucket Film Festival
Jul 13 - Maine Int'l Film Festival
Aug 16 - LA & NY
Sep 27 - UK

I feel kinda bad for the producers of films like this. I mean, you're milking the teat of the Darcy archetype to feed a seemingly never-ending appetite for all things Jane (and Colin Firth, obvi). Like taut-bellied piglets, we feed hungrily at the swollen udders of mommy pig, squealing with hysterical joy, our hopes, like our curly tails, impossibly high. 

At best, when we're done with a movie like this, we feel a sense of pleasant satisfaction, rolling over like overfilled sacks of barley, sated (for the moment) and placid. At worst, if the movie doesn't deliver the movie producers can expect some severely chapped nipples. There's nothing worse than a bad Jane movie.

Given the risk of grave disappointment, will I still watch this? Um, am I a living, breathing female with some unresolved Darcy fantasies?

Here is the eye candy and potential love interests for Keri Russell's main character:

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